BCM2 #24: Mastering Customer Segmentation & Targeting

Sep 17, 2023

The Business Creator's Marketing Mastermind #24: Mastering Customer Segmentation & Targeting

Dan Prudhomme | September 17, 2023

Read on dcprudhomme.me

Read time: 3 minutes

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"Effective targeting is not just about reaching your audience; it's about understanding them deeply and delivering the right message at the right moment" -Anonymous

"Contagious: How to Build Word of Mouth in the Digital Age- Why Things Catch On" by Jonah Berger

This book provides insights into how to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, including the use of key performance indicators (KPIs) and online tools for tracking and optimizing your marketing strategies. 

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Start by identifying the most critical Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your marketing productivity hub, focusing on metrics that directly align with your business objectives.

Then, establish a regular cadence for assessing these KPIs and use the insights gained to make data-driven adjustments to your hub's features and workflows.

This ongoing optimization will help ensure that your marketing productivity hub remains effective in driving your marketing goals.


Begin by analyzing your existing customer data to identify patterns and common characteristics among your most loyal and valuable customers. Look for trends in demographics, behavior, purchase history, and preferences.

Once you've identified key segments, create tailored marketing campaigns or content specifically designed to appeal to each segment. Track the performance of these campaigns closely and refine your strategies based on the results. Continuously collect and update customer data to ensure your segmentation remains accurate and effective over time.

This tip emphasizes the importance of data analysis and customization in effective customer segmentation and targeting, enabling businesses to better connect with their audience and drive meaningful results.



A lot of continued questions on targeting when it comes to customer segmentation. 

Here are the topic Q&As on it for business leaders and owners. 

Q1: Why is customer segmentation essential for businesses?

A1: Customer segmentation is crucial because it allows businesses to identify and understand different groups within their customer base. This understanding enables personalized marketing, better engagement, and increased conversion rates.

Q2: How often should I update my customer segments?

A2: It's advisable to review and update your customer segments regularly, especially when there are significant changes in your audience's behavior or preferences. Quarterly or bi-annually is a good starting point, but adjust based on your specific industry and business dynamics.

Q3: Can you provide an example of effective customer targeting?

A3: Sure, consider a fitness brand. They might segment their audience into categories like "beginners," "intermediates," and "fitness enthusiasts." They would then tailor their content and promotions differently for each group, offering workout plans, nutrition tips, and product recommendations suited to the respective fitness levels.

Q4: What tools or software can help with customer segmentation?

A4: There are various tools available, such as CRM systems, email marketing platforms and data analytics software. Some popular options include HubSpot, Salesforce, Google Analytics, and Mailchimp. The choice depends on your specific needs and budget.

Feel free to ask more questions or delve deeper into specific aspects of the topic!

If you have any questions or requests like the above Q&A example regarding response, please feel free to DM or email me at [email protected]. I'm always happy to connect, impact, and share.


Uncover insights, learn effective strategies, and take actionable steps to optimize your marketing efforts, all while unleashing your inner mastermind in the world of precision marketing.

Action Item: 

Start by reviewing your existing customer data. Identify one key customer segment that shows promise or potential for growth. Develop a tailored marketing campaign or message exclusively for this segment.

Execute the campaign and closely monitor its performance, making necessary adjustments along the way. This hands-on approach will help you unleash your inner mastermind in customer segmentation and targeting.


Revolutionize Your SMB's Social Media Game - The "Must Have" 10 Growth Strategies to Check Off Now!  Download now

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