BCM2 #09: Memory Mastery

self Aug 20, 2023

The Business Creator's Marketing Mastermind #09

Dan Prudhomme | June 04, 2023

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"Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things." -Marcus Tullius Cicero


"Remember It!: The Names of People You Meet, All Your Passwords, Where You Left Your Keys, and Everything Else You Tend to Forget: by Nelson Dellis

This book provides tips and techniques for remembering everyday things like names, passwords, and other details by Nelson Dellis, a four-time USA Memory Champion. It offers practical advice and memory exercises to improve recall abilities. Try it at https://tinyurl.com/2r8pxrxc


Memory AI

Use AI to accurately predict when you need to review.  It is a tool for efficient and effective monetization. Try it here: https://memorize.ai/



  • A Knowledge Intensive Company (KIC) franchise has employees struggling with information overload and difficulty retaining and recalling important information.

The 5 Whys

  • Why are employees struggling with information overload and retention? 

    • Because they lack efficient memory techniques and strategies. 

  • Why do they lack memory techniques and strategies? 

    • Because they haven't received training or guidance in this area. 
  • Why haven't they received training? 

    • Because there is no formal memory mastery program implemented in the company. 

  • Why is there no memory mastery program? 

    • Because the importance of memory mastery hasn't been recognized or prioritized. 

  • Why should memory mastery be recognized and prioritized? 

    • To improve employee productivity, accuracy, and overall business performance. 


  • Implementing a memory mastery program can provide employees with valuable tools and techniques to enhance memory and recall abilities.
    • Teach memory techniques such as mnemonic devices, visualization, and association.
    • Improved memory skills will lead to increased productivity, reduced errors, and better decision-making, ultimately impacting the SMB's bottom line.                                           


  • Increased productivity resulting from improved memory mastery can lead to time savings and higher output.
    • Reduction in errors and mistakes can save costs associated with rework or customer dissatisfaction.   


When it comes to segmenting, understanding, and segmenting customers, combine the memory master techniques with a comprehensive content and creator strategy. 

Step-by-step approach: 

1. Segment your customer base.

2. Create customer profiles.

3. Craft personalized content. 

4. Leverage storytelling techniques.

5. Engage with influencers and creators.

6. Continuously analyze and adapt. 

By combining memory mastery techniques with a strong content and creator approach, you can enhance your ability to segment, understand, and target customers effectively. Short mnemonic device example of the steps above:

Segmenting, Understanding, and Targeting Customers (SUT):

S- Segment your customer base

U- Understand customer profiles

T- Tailor content and storytelling

M- Memorize influencer attributes

A- Analyze and adapt continuously

Using the mnemonic "SUTMA" can help you remember the key steps involved in segmenting, understanding, and targeting customers. 


The Knowledge Intensive Company (KIF) franchise is in the education and training industry.  They offer a range of specialized courses and programs. They face challenges in effectively segmenting, understanding, and targeting their diverse customer base.


1. Segmenting: KIC utilized customer data analysis and identified three key customer segments: students seeking academic enrichment, professionals seeking career advancement, and hobbyists pursuing personal growth.  Mnemonic: "SAP" (Students, Advancement, Personal)

2. Understanding: KIC developed detailed profiles for each segment, highlighting their unique needs and preferences. They discovered that students value interactive learning experiences, professionals prioritize certifications, and hobbyists seek hands-on activities. Mnemonic: "I CHaP" (Interactive, Certifications, Hand-on, Preferences)

3. Tailored Content and Storytelling: KIC created personalized content for each segment, focusing on specific needs and desires. They employed mnemonic devices to remember key messages. For example, used the phrase "Unleash Your Inner Genius" to emphasize academic growth and success for students. Mnemonic: "UG" (Unleash Genius)

4. Memorizing Influencer Attributes: KIC identified influential figures and creators who had a strong presence within their target segments.  They associated the key attributes of each influencer with mnemonic devices to recall their unique qualities. For example, the phrase "Inspiring Knowledge Maven" to remember their expertise and charisma. Mneomic: "IKM" (Inspiring Knowlege Maven)

5. Analyzing and Adapting Continuously: KIC regularly reviewed engagement data, customer feedback, and market trends. They used mnemonic devices to remember key metrics and insights, such as the "Customer Satisfaction Index" (CSI) and "Engagement Growth Rate" (EGR). 


By implementing the segmenting, understanding, and targeting strategies using mnemonic devices, KICF experienced notable success. They witnesses an increase in customer satisfaction, improved engagement rates, and a rise in course enrollment across all segments. 



Here's an example of a question received about specific techniques to help remember all the tasks at hand for an SMB.  The approach can be used in your relevant business. 

Q: What specific techniques can I use to remember all the tasks at hand for my small and medium-sized business (SMB)?

A. There are several techniques you can employ to remember and manage the tasks at hand for your SMB including target customization. Peg System can by utilized to help with creator focus:

The Peg System involves associating numbers with visual cues or objects, acting as mental pegs for your tasks. For example, you can associate the number "1" with a pen and "2" with a phone. As you create your task, visualize your task connected to a specific peg. This way, when you think of the peg, it triggers the associated task. This technique can help you remember and recall tasks in a structured manner. 

If you have any questions or requests like the above Q&A example when it comes to response, please feel free to DM or email me at [email protected]. I'm always happy to connect, impact, and share.


Memory mastery is a valuable skill that can greatly enhance your personal and professional life. By implementing memory techniques and strategies, you can improve your recall abilities and enhance your overall cognitive function. 

Techniques such as visualization, association, mnemonic devices, and spaced repetition can help you and your SMB team retain and retrieve information more effectively. 

Remember. Build trust. Gain business authority.  


Revolutionize Your SMB's Social Media Game - The "Must Have" 10 Growth Strategies to Check Off Now!  Download now

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